"that the whole world is a work of art; that we are parts of the work of art ... we are the words; we are the music; we are the thing itself"
Virginia Woolf
Somebody, who chose to remain Anonymous, said the following in response to my latest post on language:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." Shakespeare
Could we adapt Juliet's or should we say Shakespeare's simple, plain truth to the choice of language in writing? Can we honestly say that what one has to say would sound the same in English, French, Spanish or any other language? I'm afraid not. The music of our soul and mind takes a path, the one that feels right according to such different and many reasons. But indeed, who could deny or ignore or diminish the role of the print such complex mind and spirit as Woolf's has had on each of us, more for some, less for others...everything being so relative, each of us living, or choosing, or feeling our own reality, perspective, point of view.*** I love Shakespeare and I love that quote from "Romeo and Juliet"! Anonymous, I would so much want to know your name :). Why do people choose to be Anonymous anyway? A name is just a name. :)It is possible that my mind and soul play to the rhythm of English, at least they have done so until now. I do not know why as it is true that, with very few exceptions, writers choose their native language to express themselves. I can hardly consider myself to be a writer. That would be too presumptuous. Let’s just say that I did not choose English, but English chose me, at least for the moment and at least for this blog. And yes, Virginia Woolf’s complex mind and spirit has had a great impact on my mind and soul. She is my muse and I would give anything to be able to go back in time for just a day and take part in one of the Bloomsbury’s group meetings. I think it would be thrilling. They were all such interesting people individually, but together they must have sparkled with light. Thank you for your comment and for taking a minute to read this.
No se llama Anónimo, sea quien sea. Sólo es que no ha puesto el nombre y Blogger supone que no quiere compartirlo. Decía Oscar Wilde que los hombres no sólo formamos nuestro pensamiento a través del lenguaje, sino que incluso, a través del arte, podemos crear paisajes. Los amaneceres, por ejemplo, no son lo mismo desde que Monet pintó los suyos.
Este 30 de abril del 2009 a las 20:00 se representará en el Teatro Regio de Vera la obra de "Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín", escrita por Federico García Lorca.
· Reparto:
- Jaime Riba Fernández (Perlimplín). - Eider Burgos Palencia (Belisa). - Mª Esther Portillo Castaño (Marcolfa y Duende 2). - Ana Belén Gabaldón Sánchez (Madre, Duende 1 y Voz)
· Argumento:
Marcolfa, criada de Don Perlimplín, empuja a éste a casarse con la joven Belisa. Belisa es a su vez, por conveniencia, empujada al matrimonio por su madre. Don Perlimplín no quiere casarse pero sucumbe a los encantos de Belisa quien en la misma noche de bodas lo engaña con cinco admiradores.
Don Perlimplín sufre paciente los engaños de su mujer pero quiere que Belisa sienta amor de verdad.
No se llama Anónimo, sea quien sea. Sólo es que no ha puesto el nombre y Blogger supone que no quiere compartirlo. Decía Oscar Wilde que los hombres no sólo formamos nuestro pensamiento a través del lenguaje, sino que incluso, a través del arte, podemos crear paisajes. Los amaneceres, por ejemplo, no son lo mismo desde que Monet pintó los suyos.
ResponderEliminarEste 30 de abril del 2009 a las 20:00 se representará en el Teatro Regio de Vera la obra de "Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín", escrita por Federico García Lorca.
ResponderEliminar· Reparto:
- Jaime Riba Fernández (Perlimplín).
- Eider Burgos Palencia (Belisa).
- Mª Esther Portillo Castaño (Marcolfa y Duende 2).
- Ana Belén Gabaldón Sánchez (Madre, Duende 1 y Voz)
· Argumento:
Marcolfa, criada de Don Perlimplín, empuja a éste a casarse con la joven Belisa. Belisa es a su vez, por conveniencia, empujada al matrimonio por su madre. Don Perlimplín no quiere casarse pero sucumbe a los encantos de Belisa quien en la misma noche de bodas lo engaña con cinco admiradores.
Don Perlimplín sufre paciente los engaños de su mujer pero quiere que Belisa sienta amor de verdad.
· Puntos de venta:
- Taquilla Cine Regio.
Esperamos su asistencia. Gracias. :)